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Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon Sword of Destiny Review

I recall when Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon(《卧虎藏龙》) came out in 2001, way back in the misty years of my youth. It was the first martial arts movie I had watched since the mid-1990s. I was stunned. It…

Five Brief Movie Reviews

I rarely watch movies. When I was in the private equity industry, I rarely had time to do so. Now, as an MBAstudent at Wharton, I still rarely have the time to do so. Long-distance international flights are where I watch movies. Recently, on a trip to Dubai and Abu Dhabi, I watched five movies:…

A Review of Spectre

It should come as no surprise to anyone who knows me well that I am a huge fan of James Bond. Indeed, it would be surprising if I were not, given my mix of English, Italian, and American influences growing up, and my tastes as an adult. It is also no secret that I consider Daniel Craig to be the best James Bond since, well, Sean Connery.…